How Well is Your Backyard? | 你的后院还好吗?
custom-made bellow, DC motor, gear, custom-blown glass, artificial larynx, micro-controller(arduino), sensors and other materials
材质规格:定制风箱、电机、推杆、玻璃、人工喉、微型控制器, 2023
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The glass vessels each sing a vowel sound in human language, while the body is built out of ordinary materials, creating unpredictable living entities. The sound mimics human sound without the human corporal body, and the species breathes, becoming another species.

The human mode of living often entails the social and the political, and we are sectioned by ethnicity, race, gender and religion, and discriminate against each other. The lungs, through the larynx to the tip of the tongue, are what make the human a political being. Using this part of the human body’s system as a center, interspecies are created, collapsing human and nonhuman agencies together. When the world creates hybrids, does it create new modes of discrimination, or does it remove them and create an alter world where new meanings and definitions are created?

This project imagines a new mode of existence and explores “who we will become when species meet” (Donna J. Haraway) through speculative thoughts, humor, sonic experiments, and material movement studies.
